
Showing posts from December, 2023

Ferrie's influence on Lee

    Throughout Libra , we've noticed Lee's desire to be a part of something, to be more than "a zero in the system". He is also very impressionable and easily influenced by those who make him feel important. David Ferrie notices this, and exploits it. He uses astrology to connect to Lee, convincing him he is the "positive Libra" rather than the negative Libra, although clearly Lee is the latter. He convinces Lee that there are important people who are very interested in Lee and "they've been watching extra close" (338). And when the Miami motorcade is cancelled and moved to Dallas, where the motorcade will pass right under the window of Lee's workplace, Ferrie convinces him that it is no coincidence, rather "that building's been sitting there waiting for Kennedy and Oswald to converge on it (384). Ferrie influences him easily because he knows exactly what Lee wants to hear, and he gives him that.            The closer we get to the...